Posts Tagged ‘video games’

Nintendo Beading!

Continuing my new Hobby of Perler beading!  2000 beads by the time I’m done.  Check out my other bead sprites


It’s good to be back blogging!  While I was going from my blog, over the holidays I discovered this FANTASTIC new hobby called “Perler Beading”  Basicly you buy these special kinds of beads and peg boards.  Line the beads up on the pegs and then iron them.  After about 30 seconds the plastic melts, fusing them together.

Theo, Isn’t this a Girls Hobby?92190120MUSH
…No it’s not a girls hobby!  Well… It just depends on what you decide to make.  Case in point:  Old school video game character sprites are some of the best things I love to make.  I started off by buying s starter pack from Joe Ann’s Fabric (not the manlyest store around but whatever…)  and making a few simple sprites.
Once I got the hang of it I began to make a few more complex sprites with shading and everything.  I realized that I was running out of colors quickly so I went online and ordered 40 more shades of colors so I had a more complete color selection to work from.  I wish I could say I made all of these from my head – but no.  I copied them from what i’ve seen others do.  But it is so relaxing!

123231I love just putting on some music, and relaxing while placing bead after bead.  I made so many over the Holidays that I’m taking a short break now.  But please check out what I’ve done so far.  Everything next to this text is a picture of some of the 8-bit sprites I have made that are hanging above my patio door.  Tried to make a small scene from “Super Mario World” If you have any suggestions on what to make next, please leave a comment in the window below!